Investing more in your support team, means investing in your customer experience and eventually, the growth of your business.
Published on: Mar 23, 2022
Last updated: Jul 26, 2024

Why You Should Invest In Your CX And Customer Support Team

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There is no sure way to guarantee immediate success when it comes to running a business. You've got to be ready to deal with tons of unexpected circumstances, and if you lack the resources to keep up, your business might sink faster than you expect.

Running a SaaS business is no easy task, and we are aware of the challenges. From managing servers to fulfilling customer demands, you might be wondering just how much you'll need to invest before you begin to see new results.

Without a guarantee of immediate successes, it's increasingly important to work on what you can improve upon consistently.

Customer support is a growth engine

With people being able to voice their frustrations through social media, review websites, and word of mouth, any business that's not delivering consistently great CX and customer support experiences risks damaging its brand reputation and its customer churning to competitors.

On the flip side, delivering great customer experiences is a road to growth that you can build upon.

Customer support and success in SaaS

In the world of SaaS, your customer support team is even more crucial because most of the one-on-one interactions a user has with your brand will be with a customer support agent. That's why you need to set them up for success — training them inadequately or refusing to invest in them in other ways can start a spiral of worsening customer outcomes and a tarnished reputation in the marketplace. That's hard to recover from.

If you're assured of your support quality, that's great! But there's another layer to providing a good customer experience that you might be underrating. That layer is customer success.

At its core, customer success is an approach to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering a positive experience.

Brands are truly built when dealing with customer issues. That is when your customer experiences what your business is really about. Your customers subconsciously have a need to feel like they aren't getting the short end of the stick, so providing avenues for resolution even when they are unsatisfied can prove helpful for a better customer experience. Ultimately, the lasting impression gained by a customer is what informs them of their willingness to continue maintaining ties to your services.

In the eyes of these customers, their success with your product is only seen as a likely outcome when your support team is also enthusiastic about keeping up the good work. Genuine human interactions should serve as the primary tenet of a good customer support experience.

Customer success, on the other hand, is not just gained by providing great support but building long-lasting relationships with your users.

The best ways to invest in CX and customer support

Customer Support is an investment that will positively impact your business. It has been proven to make customers more satisfied and happier with their products, resulting in increased sales.

Organize your customer support team according to expertise

With agents being the only way customers will ever communicate directly with your organization, they need to be prepared to face challenging situations.

Make sure you provide thorough and consistent training so that agents know how to navigate tricky situations and provide excellent support. The best way to approach this is by employing professional senior-level support professionals with enthusiasm to do the training. The presence of these senior customer experience experts will help your entry and mid-level technicians to gain experience with guidance. This will help the company stay on the same page across every interaction for customer success.

The customer support tier system is your best bet if you want a sense of coherence within the customer support team. You can assign junior and mid-level support agents to level 1 & 2 support requests and save the most complicated level 3 technical support requests for SMEs and higher-level technical support agents.

Rather than making it feel like your employees need to complete an arbitrary number of tickets solved, it is better to have your agents develop traits like patience and empathy that foster a culture of proactive support.

Prevent turnover of employees

When your company's teams don't feel valued, they tend to be unmotivated to keep up with the demands of the workplace. This leads to turnover, which can be bad for your bottom line. Customer support teams have notoriously bad rates of employee retention, so don't fall into those same traps. If you want your support agents to treat your customers with empathy and respect, it's important to extend the same curtesy to them.

To avoid employee turnover, you'll need to ensure a sufficient level of training is provided. They also deserve avenues for a resolution when they wish to voice their concerns about how your organization is run.

Your support agents are, in many cases, your company's face, and they will be able to keep the customers happy if you provide them with the tools to do so.

Enhance the experience for your customers

When you're able to invest in employees, your ROI will grow. Offering top-quality customer support will always be a challenge, but having the right employees will help you overcome any hurdles along the way.

There's a way to be above the curve within your industry and ahead of your competitors for your customer success. Keeping tabs on industry benchmarks for scores like CSAT and NPS is a very good idea.

Sending customers surveys like the one below to ask for them opinions and gather qualitative data is equally as important.

5 reasons your business should invest in CX

There are a number of reasons investing in CX is a good idea. Here are 5 of the most crucial.

Turning customers into brand evangelists

72% of customers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people, so investing in great CX is one of the most reliable ways to turn your customers into brand promoters.

Increase your net recurring revenue

86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience, so investing in CX and support is good for your bottom line.

Increasing customer retention

Turning customer support and CX into your business's superpower can do wonders to help you stand apart from your competitors in what is increasingly becoming an crowded marketplace. Customers have more choice of vendor than ever before, so give them a reason to stick around. Or rather, don't give them reasons to churn.

Reduce employee turnover

A company that has a strong culture of prioritizing customer and employee experience will experience far less employee turnover and increased employee engagement. Studies suggest that workers at companies that prioritize these areas are 1.5 times more engaged than those at other companies.

Increase upsells and cross-sells

Great support , CX and customer success can skyrocket rates of upsells and cross-sells. 49% of buyers have made an impulse purchase after receiving more personalized customer service and companies with the strongest omni-channel customer engagement strategies enjoy a 10% year-on-year growth, a 10% increase in average order value and a 25% increase in close rates.

P.S. if you're interested in learning more CX stats like this to plan a more effective CX, support and success strategy (or get buy-in from higher-ups), read our article about CX trends in 2023.

Wrapping things up

As a SaaS company, you know that customer support is essential to your success. But providing excellent customer support can be expensive and time-consuming.

You probably spend too much time on the phone or answering emails, and it's hard to keep up with the demand. Plus, you can't scale your customer support operation without hiring more people.

Having the right tech stack also empowers your support team to deliver the best support experience to your users, in the most efficient way.

The ROI of excellent customer service is undeniable, and the benefits go beyond just keeping customers happy. By looking at the psychology of customer support interactions and making some strategic investments, you can set your business up for growth inspired by your fantastic customer support team.

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