GA and FullStory are two popular digital analytics software applications for businesses. But which is better? We break down features & pros.
Published on: Nov 30, 2023
Last updated: Jul 26, 2024

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Which Is The Best Web Analytics Solution?

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Understanding user behavior is paramount to achieving business success in today's digital landscape, and the tools we use play a critical role in this endeavor.

This article will compare two industry-leading tools: FullStory and Google Analytics. We will scrutinize their features, strengths, and areas for improvement to help you make an informed decision. With 88% of online consumers less likely to return to a site after a bad experience, choosing the right tool is more than just an option; it's necessary.

So let's dive in and explore these platforms to help you optimize your user experience and ultimately, your bottom line.

What is FullStory?


FullStory is a digital intelligence platform designed to improve the online experience for businesses and their customers.

This tool provides a comprehensive view of user interactions on your website, allowing you to analyze and understand user behavior at a granular level. Through a feature called "session replay," FullStory enables you to watch recordings of user sessions, helping you pinpoint where users encounter difficulties or become frustrated. Think of it as a "black box" for your website.

Complications such as 'rage clicks' or 'dead clicks' are easily identified, allowing you to streamline and optimize the user experience.

Utilizing FullStory can lead to better user engagement, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, improved business performance.

What is Google Analytics?

google analyti

Google Analytics is a highly popular, free-to-use web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights that can shape a business's success strategy.

This tool allows you to measure return on investment and track traffic sources, making it essential for any business with a web presence. Google Analytics provides you with website insights and is incredibly valuable to the performance of your overall digital strategy. It reveals data about your audience, your organic search traffic, and the performance of your individual web pages.

It's a comprehensive tool that helps you understand your audience's behavior, helping you make informed decisions and optimize your business strategies for better user engagement and increased conversions.

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Features Comparison

Through comparing FullStory and Google Analytics, we can provide an objective viewpoint to help you make an informed choice. FullStory offers visual, user-centric analytics with session replay, while Google Analytics focuses on data-driven insights.

Both have strengths and may be more suitable for different businesses or aspects of your digital strategy. We'll break down their key features and discuss their strengths and when one might be preferable over the other.


  • Session Replay: This is a standout feature of FullStory. It allows you to watch a user's journey on your website as if you were sitting next to them. It provides insights into user behavior, interaction difficulties, and areas of friction that you may need to uncover with traditional analytics.
  • Click Maps: FullStory's click maps visualize where users click, scroll, and hover on your website. This visual representation allows you to understand how users navigate your site, what content attracts their attention, and where they face difficulties.
  • Rage Click Identification: FullStory identifies instances where users repeatedly click in frustration, signaling a potential problem area on your website. By addressing these 'rage clicks,' you can improve user experience and conversion rates.
  • Error Clicks: FullStory provides a comprehensive list of JavaScript errors experienced by users. This feature helps developers to fix issues before they impact more users.
  • Omnisearch and Segmentation: FullStory's Omnisearch feature lets you find specific sessions based on user actions, geography, or device type. You can also segment users based on behavior, making it easier for businesses to target specific groups with personalized strategies.
  • Integration Capability: FullStory easily integrates with various other platforms, such as customer support tools and A/B testing tools, allowing you to connect your analytics with other important aspects of your business.

Remember, FullStory is not just about data collection, it's also about understanding the user behavior behind the numbers.

Google Analytics

  • Traffic Reporting: Google Analytics provides detailed reports on the traffic your website receives. It tracks visitors from all sources, including search engines, social networks, direct visits, and referring sites.
  • Audience Segmentation: Google Analytics allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria, such as age, gender, location, and website behavior. This feature helps you create targeted marketing strategies.
  • Conversion Tracking: Google Analytics allows you to set up and track conversions, enabling you to understand how many users are completing desired actions on your site, such as signing up for newsletters or purchasing.
  • Bounce Rate Analysis: Google Analytics calculates the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. By understanding your bounce rate, you can optimize your website content to keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates.
  • Integration with Google Ads: Google Analytics can be integrated with Google Ads, enabling you to optimize your advertisements based on the data collected. This integration helps in improving your marketing campaigns and increasing ROI.
  • Custom Reports: Google Analytics allows you to create custom reports based on your specific needs. You can create, save, and edit custom reports that present the information you want to see, organized in the way you want.

As comprehensive as Google Analytics can be, realizing that it's primarily about quantitative data is essential. While it provides a wealth of data about who visits your site and when, it needs the visual, interactive approach that FullStory offers to understand user behavior.

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Use Case Comparison

FullStory and Google Analytics are both valuable tools for gaining insights into user experience and data analysis.

FullStory is popular in the e-commerce sector. It offers unique features, like session replay, to visualize customer interactions and identify areas for improvement.

On the other hand, Google Analytics is a robust tool used across various industries, providing extensive data collection and reporting capabilities for audience demographics, user interests, and behavior patterns.

Understanding your specific needs and how each tool can cater to them is crucial for digital success, whether you are a small startup or a large corporation.


FullStory shines in various applications due to its unique ability to provide nuanced, qualitative data. Some of the common use cases include:

  • Optimizing User Experience (UX) Design: FullStory's interactive heatmaps and session replay capabilities allow UX designers to visualize how users interact with a website or app, uncovering pain points and areas for improvement within the user journey.
  • Customer Support and Experience Teams: FullStory provides contextual insights into customer issues, allowing support teams to understand better and resolve customer challenges quickly. This improves customer satisfaction and supports proactive identification and resolution of common user issues.
  • Product Development and Optimizations: FullStory's granular data on user behavior can help product teams identify features that may not be meeting user needs or expectations, guiding the development and optimization of product features.
  • Web App Analytics, Especially for SaaS: Unlike Google Analytics, which was primarily built for e-commerce websites, FullStory excels at providing comprehensive analytics for web applications, making it invaluable for SaaS businesses.

Ultimately, while Google Analytics delivers high-level, quantitative website data, it fails to provide the in-depth, qualitative insights that FullStory offers. FullStory fills this gap, making it an essential tool for any business that values a deep understanding of its online user experience.

Google Analytics

  • Marketing Analytics: Google Analytics gives marketers a bird's eye view of campaign performance, allowing them to determine which strategies are resonating with their audience and which need adjustment.
  • Audience Segmentation: With Google Analytics, businesses can segment their audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This can inform more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
  • Website Performance Analysis: Google Analytics provides data on website performance, including bounce rates, average session duration, and page load times. This can help businesses identify areas of the website that need optimization.
  • Ecoommerce Tracking: Google Analytics excels in tracking e-commerce metrics like shopping behavior, checkout behavior, product performance, and sales performance. These insights can be invaluable for e-commerce businesses aiming to maximize sales.
  • SEO Optimization: By showing the organic search traffic and the performance of various keywords, Google Analytics helps enhance a website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

While Google Analytics might offer a different depth of qualitative insights than FullStory, it provides robust quantitative data and is particularly useful in the realms of marketing analytics, audience segmentation, website performance analysis, e-commerce tracking, and SEO optimization.

FullStory vs Google Analytics: User Reviews Comparison

While FullStory has 4.5/5 stars on customer review sites, this is only from a few hundred reviews. Google Analytics also shares this 4.5/5 star rating, however, it has over ten times the number of reviews, from a much broader range of customers.

This indicates that Google Analytics is the more popular choice of the two solutions, and is more well-established and tested compared to its counterpart.


FullStory has a 4.5/5 star rating on G2 from 357 reviews. Here's some of the positive feedback from its reviews:

  • "FullStory makes it easy to view user sessions to know how to best support our users with questions or difficulties"
  • "It has significantly expanded our data analysis capabilities within the Business Intelligence team"
  • "It is easy to configure and install FullStory code snippet and browser SDK packages into our websites and applications to collect the data and analytics about users experience. "

On the flip side, here are some of the negatives noted by some customers:

  • "The price is steep, and some of the most useful tools are locked behind an even higher paywall."
  • "Can't express enough how poor the customer service has been regarding our plan."

Google Analytics

Google Analytics has a 4.5/5 star rating on G2 from 6,246 reviews. Here's some of the positive feedback from its reviews:

  • "This is a powerful tool for mobile apps. The user interface is easy to use. The updated UI and customizable dashboard are nice.
  • "I easily track all the incoming traffic from different channels and analyze it to improve our customer experience and service delivery"

On the flip side here are some of the negatives noted by some customers:

  • "Its extremely complicated and not user friendly at all. It takes a very knowledgeable and skilled person to be able to navigate this platform and understand the tools and the terminology used"
  • "The UI is hideous, and we run into problems often with GA not tracking things correctly."

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Pricing Comparison

In this section, we examine the pricing structures of FullStory and Google Analytics. While Google Analytics offers a free and premium plan, FullStory is only paid. However, the affordability and value offered by each platform can vary significantly based on the depth and breadth of features available.


FullStory doesn't disclose their pricing information online. However, customers have noted that prices vary from a minimum of $199 to around $899 depending on the plan.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is mostly free to use and offers many key features without charge, as the platform draws users to Google Ads. However, as some customers have noted, there are features behind paywalls.

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Deployment Comparison

When comparing the deployment aspects of FullStory and Google Analytics, it is crucial to consider their impact on user experience, setup time, and overall usability. However, the choice between the two ultimately depends on your team's specific requirements and resources.


Deploying FullStory onto your website is remarkably straightforward, making it ideal for teams with limited technical skills. The process involves a simple no-code installation: inserting a JavaScript snippet into your website's header.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a comprehensive platform that offers robust features for monitoring website performance and user behavior. While its deployment process may be slightly more complex than FullStory, it is well-documented and supported by online resources.

Google Analytics requires technical knowledge to set up, including inserting a tracking ID into webpage code.

FullStory vs Google Analytics: Integrations Comparison

Integrations are crucial for maximizing a tool's capabilities and integrating it into existing workflows. While FullStory offers seamless integrations with popular tools like Salesforce and Slack, Google Analytics has a powerful list of Google and Google Partner integrations covering a wide range of platforms.

FullStory Integrations

FullStory provides seamless integration with over 50 essential tools for modern digital marketing. Here are just a few examples:

  • BigCommerce
  • Google Cloud
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Zendesk

Google Analytics Integrations

Analytics is specifically built to integrate with other Google solutions and partner products seamlessly.

  • Google Ads
  • Google Cloud
  • Google AdMob
  • Salesforce Marketing
  • Search Ads 360

Alternative to FullStory & Google Analytics: Fullview

GDPR-Compliant Solution

Fullview is a remarkable EU-based solution that offers 100% guaranteed GDPR compliance and ensures data is stored on European servers. However, for those who prefer US storage, Fullview provides that option as well.

Comprehensive User Behavior Insights

What sets Fullview apart from its competitors is its unique ability to capture every user interaction on your website through session replays, giving you a comprehensive view of user behavior.

One standout feature of Fullview is its automatic detection of console warnings, errors, and signs of user frustration, such as rage clicks. These points of interest are clearly marked on the video timeline, making navigation of relevant sections easy.

Powerful Cobrowsing Tool

In addition, Fullview introduces cobrowsing, a powerful tool that enables support agents and product developers to initiate calls with users, take control of their screens, and swiftly resolve any support tickets, bugs, or implementation challenges.

Furthermore, Fullview ensures easy issue diagnosis by including console logs for all session replays and cobrowsing calls.

Flexible Pricing Options

Even better, Fullview offers a 'forever free' plan that includes 4 cobrowsing calls and 1000 session replays per month. For more extensive needs, competitive paid plans start at just $49/seat for cobrowsing and $79 per month for session replays, making Fullview one of the most affordable session replay tools available.

Customer-Centric Approach

Unlike other tools, Fullview takes a customer identity-based approach, providing invaluable insights into the exact customers who perform sessions, especially beneficial for customer support teams.

With Fullview, you can view both live and historical sessions. Its robust filtering and segmentation capabilities allow you to create custom views based on selected filters and pin them to your dashboard for quick reference.

Easy Implementation

One of the best things about Fullview is its ease of implementation - no downloads required, and you can get set up in just a few minutes.


Fullview is a comprehensive and innovative tool for customer support. With intuitive cobrowsing, session replays, and console logs, teams can promptly resolve issues and understand user journeys. Unlike Google Analytics, Fullview focuses on customer identity.

It's a valuable solution that can redefine customer interactions. Consider Fullview, especially with its 'forever free' plan and GDPR compliance.


Sources last checked on: 30-Nov-2023

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