Published on: Nov 01, 2023
Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

25+ Of The Best UX Survey Questions To Ask

How users feel about your product can give you insights into what is and isn’t working. Here’s how to design an effective UX survey.


  • UX surveys are vital for understanding user experiences and improving products or services.
  • These surveys systematically gather user feedback on aspects like usability, functionality, and design.
  • Pros of UX surveys include cost-effectiveness, churn prevention, idea generation, product refinement, and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Cons include post-purchase rationalization and sampling errors.
  • Best practices in survey design involve timing, brevity, clarity, avoiding bias, quantification, follow-up, and supplementing with in-depth data.
  • UX survey questions cover various categories like general, brand-related, product-related, design-related, CSAT-related, NPS-related, CX, and stakeholder-related questions.
  • A well-structured UX survey questionnaire can help gather meaningful insights for product improvement.

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With the rising competition in nearly every market, delivering a superior user experience has become a key differentiator. That's where UX surveys come into play. They help you understand what's working well and what needs improvement, enabling you to tailor your product or service to meet your users' needs more effectively.

In fact, every $1 invested in UX results in a return of $100 This shows that investing in UX research, such as conducting surveys, is crucial for the success of any business or product. In this article, we have compiled a list of the best UX survey questions to help you gain valuable insights into your users' experiences.

What Are User Experience Surveys?

User Experience (UX) Surveys are systematic tools used to gather feedback from customers about their interactions with a product or service. They aim to understand the user's overall perception and satisfaction level. UX surveys assess various aspects, such as usability, functionality, and design of a product or service.

By capturing real-world experiences, they provide invaluable insights to businesses, helping them identify strengths, detect potential areas of improvement, and ultimately enhance the user's experience. They play a pivotal role in making data-driven decisions for product development and customer service enhancements.

Pros of UX surveys

UX surveys can be a very handy and cost-effective way to gather UX data.

  • They can help you understand what about your product isn’t working and help prevent churn
  • They can give your product team new ideas for features to include
  • They can help you refine your product and customer experiences
  • They can help you hone in on the areas that need improvement, which can result in things like CSAT and NPS scores improving.

Cons of UX surveys

Like any other data-collection method, UX surveys also suffer from some drawbacks. The most notable are:

  • Post-purchase Rationalization: Some customers may rationalize their choices after a purchase, which leads to skewed and inaccurate data.
  • Sampling Errors: The size and composition of your survey sample can potentially lead to inaccuracies in survey results.

Best practices when designing UX surveys

Some best practices when designing UX surveys are:

  • Send the survey at the right time and through the right channel.
  • Keep your surveys short and to the point.
  • Make sure your questions aren’t vague or hard to answer.
  • Make sure to avoid as much bias as possible when designing questions.
  • Do not ask leading questions.
  • Make sure you have a good idea of how you’re going to quantify answers before you send out surveys.
  • Check industry benchmarks once you compute your scores.
  • To follow up with customers to get more feedback.
  • Supplement survey data with more in-depth data, like session replay recordings. Session replay is a technology that allows companies to record all user sessions in their app, so they can watch them back (like a video) to see exactly what a user did in their app: how their mouse moved, what they clicked on, what points caused friction or abandonment to occur, whether they displayed signs of frustration like rage clicks, and whether they encountered any bugs, errors or other UX and UI related problems. These can help flesh out and substantiate the data you gather through surveys. It can also help you fill in the gaps and avoid dreaded post-purchase rationalization.

Types and examples of UX survey questions

Now that we have covered the basics of user experience surveys, let's dive into the core aspect: the survey questions. The right questions can help you gather valuable insights and make informed decisions for your business or product. You'll want to include UX survey questions in categories such as:

  • General questions
  • Brand-related UX questions
  • Product-related UX questions
  • Design-related UX questions
  • CSAT-related UX questions
  • NPS-related UX questions
  • CX and customer support-related UX questions
  • Stakeholder-Related UX Questions

General questions

General user experience (UX) questions are inquiries that help a designer understand the needs, behavior, and goals of a user. These questions are used to gather insights on how to improve a product, website, or app's usability and overall user satisfaction. They can cover a wide range of topics, from the user's initial interaction with the product to their long-term use and satisfaction.

Here are some examples of general UX questions:

  • "Can you describe your first impression when using our product?"
  • "What tasks were you trying to accomplish when using our product?"
  • "Did you encounter any difficulties while using our product? If so, what were they?"
  • "How does our product compare to others you have used before in terms of ease of use?"
  • What features do you find most useful in our product?"

Brand-related UX questions

Brand UX questions focus on understanding the user's experience and perception of a brand, not just its products or services. These questions can help reveal how users perceive a brand's identity, values, and overall reputation, as well as how these factors influence their decision to engage with the brand.

Here are some examples of brand UX questions:

  • "What made you choose our brand over competitors?"
  • "How would you describe our brand to a friend?"
  • "What values do you associate with our brand?"
  • "How does interacting with our brand make you feel?"
  • "What, if anything, do you find unique about our brand?"

Product-related UX questions

Product-related user experience questions focus on understanding the user's experience with a specific product. These questions can help uncover how users perceive the product's features, usability, and overall value. They can provide valuable insights into what improvements or additions could be made to enhance the user's satisfaction and reduce signals of user frustration like rage clicks.

Here are some examples of product-related UX questions:

  • "How easy or difficult was it for you to use our product for the first time?"
  • "What is your favorite feature of our product? Why?"
  • "Are there any features of our product that you find unnecessary or confusing?"
  • "Have you encountered any issues or obstacles while using our product? If so, what were they?"
  • "If you could change one thing about our product, what would it be?"

Design-related UX questions

Design-related UX questions focus specifically on the user's experience with the visual and interactive elements of a product, website, or app. These questions can help identify areas where the design could be improved to enhance usability and aesthetics while reducing user frustration.

Here are some examples of design-related UX questions:

  • "What is your first impression of the design of our product/website/app?"
  • "How would you describe the visual style of our product? Does it appeal to you?"
  • "Are there any parts of the design that you find confusing or hard to use?"
  • "Is there any part of the design that distracts from your overall experience?"
  • "Are there any places where simplifying the design would positively impact your experience of our product?"

CSAT-related UX questions

CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) UX questions are used to measure a user's satisfaction with a product, service, or specific aspect of their experience. They offer a quantifiable way to gauge customer sentiment and are often formatted as a rating scale, typically from 1 (not satisfied at all) to 5 or 10 (extremely satisfied).

Here are some examples of CSAT survey questions:

  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied were you with your experience of using feature XYZ?"
  • "How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our product/service on a scale of 1 to 10?"
  • "How satisfied were you with the speed and efficiency of our customer service team today?"
  • "How satisfied are you with the value for money of our product/service?"

NPS-related UX questions

NPS (Net Promoter Score) forms a distinctive category of customer satisfaction assessments, designed to measure the fidelity of a company's client relationships. This indicator was conceived as a substitute for conventional customer contentment studies and is purportedly linked with revenue expansion. The computation of NPS hinges on the responses to one question: What are the chances you would endorse our company/product/service to a peer or associate? Typically, the score for this response ranges from 0 (not likely at all) to 10 (very likely).

People who rate you from 0-6 are considered detractors, people who rate you a 7 or an 8 range are considered passive, and ratings of 9 to 10 indicate that those users would happily recommend your product or brand to people they know.

Here are some examples of NPS UX questions:

  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?"
  • "How likely are you to recommend our app to a friend or family member on a scale of 1 to 10?"
  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our website to others?"
  • "How likely are you to recommend our service to a business associate on a scale of 1 to 10?"
  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to someone who is looking for products/services like ours?"

CX-and customer support-related UX questions

CX (Customer Experience) UX questions focus on the overall experience a customer has with a company, including all touchpoints from initial contact through the process of engagement, purchase, use of a product or service, and ongoing relationships. They help assess how customers perceive the sum of their interactions with the company.

Here are some examples of CX-related UX questions:

  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied were you with your recent support experience with our company?"
  • "How would you rate your overall experience with our website/app on a scale of 1 to 10?"
  • "Can you describe any difficulties you experienced during your purchase process?"
  • "How easy was it for you to find the information you were looking for on our website/app?"
  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with our customer service team?"

Stakeholder-related UX questions

Stakeholder-related UX questions are designed to understand the requirements, expectations, and goals of stakeholders for a product or service. These questions are especially important in B2B contexts, where your customers are often other businesses looking to make the lives of their end users better. These questions help to ensure that the design and functionality of a product align with those business objectives and customer needs.

Here are some examples of stakeholder-related UX questions:

  • "Does this product solve your user's problems?"
  • "What are the key features you believe this product should have?"
  • "Can you describe your ideal customer for this product/service?"
  • "What are the main objectives you hope to achieve with this product/service?"
  • "What key metrics will you use to measure the success of this product/service?"

UX survey questionnaire template example

When conducting a UX (User Experience) survey, it's crucial to ask the right questions that will provide you with meaningful data to improve your product or service. Here's a brief yet effective UX survey template that you can adapt to your specific needs:

  1. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with our product/service?"
  2. "What features or aspects do you like most about our product/service?"
  3. "What areas do you think need improvement in our product/service?"
  4. "Would you recommend our product/service to others? Why or why not?"

Remember, the key to a successful UX survey is asking clear, concise questions that directly relate to the user's experience and potential areas of improvement.


UX surveys, when conducted correctly, can significantly contribute to your product's success by aligning it with your users' needs and preferences. It's essential to leverage the benefits of UX surveys, apply best practices, and let your users guide your path to continuous improvement. Despite potential drawbacks, the strategic use of UX surveys remains an indispensable tool in your UX research toolkit.

Sources used:

Sources Last Checked: October 27th, 2023

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