Want to make data-driven product decisions that drive results? Read on to learn more about product management analytics, tools and KPIs.
Published on: Jun 29, 2023
Last updated: Jul 26, 2024

Product Management Analytics: What Is It, Anyway?


  • Product management analytics is crucial for making informed decisions based on data in today's competitive business landscape.
  • It helps product managers and business stakeholders engage in data-driven decision-making, leading to improved product adoption rates, increased customer satisfaction, and revenue growth.
  • Data-driven organizations are more likely to improve customer acquisition, retain clients, and increase profits.
  • Product management analytics involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain insights into product performance, user behavior, and market trends.
  • Key metrics to track include user acquisition, user engagement, conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and revenue metrics.
  • Three popular analytics tools for product management are Jira, ProductBoard, and ProductPlan.
  • Strategies for leveraging product management analytics include defining clear goals and KPIs, conducting user research and feedback analysis, collaborating cross-functionally, and implementing iterative product development.
  • By utilizing product management analytics effectively, product managers can make data-driven decisions, improve the user experience, and achieve business objectives.

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In today's competitive business landscape, the ability to make informed decisions based on data is more crucial than ever. Product management analytics has emerged as a key piece of that puzzle. It gives product managers and business stakeholders the tools they need to engage in data-driven decision-making, resulting in improved product adoption rates, increased customer satisfaction, and revenue growth. In fact, data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to improve customer acquisition, six times more likely to retain clients, and 19 times to increase profits.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll delve into product management analytics, its significance, key metrics, and how to leverage analytics tools and strategies for effective product management. Whether you're a seasoned product manager, an aspiring product professional, or a business stakeholder, this guide will provide valuable insights into maximizing the potential of your products through data-driven approaches.

What is product management analytics?

Product management analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain valuable insights into product performance, user behavior, and market trends. It plays a pivotal role in informing product strategy, prioritizing feature development, and enhancing user experiences.

By leveraging data-driven insights, product managers can make more informed decisions, ensuring that their products meet customer needs and remain competitive in the marketplace.

In essence, product management analytics helps businesses make better use of available resources, align product goals with market demand, and, ultimately, create more successful and profitable products.

Product management analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain valuable insights.

Product management analytics: what metrics do you need to track?

Now that we've established the importance of product management analytics, let's take a look at some of the key metrics that can be used to gain actionable insights. To ensure accuracy and reliability, it is important to select appropriate metrics for each project or product accordingly, depending on your goals and objectives.

The categories of product management KPIs are: 

  • User acquisition metrics
  • User engagement metrics
  • Conversion metrics
  • Customer satisfaction metrics
  • Revenue metrics

User acquisition

User acquisition is a critical aspect of product management, as it helps you understand how well your marketing efforts are attracting new users. Key metrics in this category include:

  • New user sign-ups: The number of new users who have signed up for your product or service during a specific period.
  • App downloads: The total number of app downloads or installations from various app stores.
  • Website registrations: The number of new users who have registered on your website or platform.

User engagement

Understanding user engagement is essential for product managers, as it provides insights into how users interact with your product and which features they find valuable. Key engagement metrics include:

  • Active users: The number of users who have actively engaged with your product within a specific time frame (daily, weekly, or monthly).
  • Time spent on platform: The average time a user spends on your platform or using your product.
  • Feature adoption rates: The percentage of users who adopt and use specific features within your product.
  • Session length: The average duration of user sessions within your product or platform.

Conversion rates

Conversion rates help product managers identify areas where users may be experiencing friction or challenges within the product, which can inform optimization efforts. Key conversion metrics include:

  • Free-to-paid conversion rate: The percentage of free users who convert to a paid subscription or plan.
  • Trial-to-subscription conversion rate: The percentage of users who convert from a trial period to a paid subscription.
  • Key touchpoint conversion rates: Analyzing conversion rates at specific points within the user journey (such as onboarding, feature adoption, or upsell opportunities) to identify areas for improvement.

Customer satisfaction

Measuring customer satisfaction is essential for understanding how well your product meets the needs and expectations of your users. Key customer satisfaction metrics include:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS is a measure of how likely users are to recommend your product to others, with scores ranging from -100 (all detractors) to +100 (all promoters).
  • Customer feedback ratings: Ratings provided by users through feedback forms, surveys, or in-app prompts.
  • Customer support response times: The average time it takes for your customer support team to respond to user inquiries or issues.
  • CSAT: How satisfied your customers were with a product, feature, service or interaction.

Revenue metrics

Revenue metrics provide insights into the financial impact of your product management decisions and help you evaluate the overall success of your product. Key revenue metrics include:

  • Average revenue per user (ARPU): The average amount of revenue generated per user over a specific period.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV): Customer lifetime value is the total revenue a customer is expected to generate throughout their relationship with your product or service.
  • Revenue growth rate: The percentage increase or decrease in revenue over a specified time period, which can be used to gauge the success of product updates and improvements.

3 analytics tools for product management

Wondering what analytics tools you can use for product management? Here are three of our favorite options:

  • Jira
  • ProductBoard
  • ProductPlan



Jira is a project management and issue-tracking software developed by Atlassian. It is designed to help teams track, plan, and manage their work efficiently. It is widely used by software development teams for agile project management, bug tracking, and task management. However, its flexibility allows it to be utilized by various industries and teams for different purposes, such as marketing campaigns or business operations.


  • Interactive roadmaps: Create and manage visual roadmaps with epics, work items, dependencies, and releases to keep teams and stakeholders in sync.
  • Agile boards: Utilize Scrum and Kanban boards to organize and manage work efficiently.
  • Reports and insights: Access out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for critical insights and data-driven decision-making.
  • Project flexibility: Choose between team or company-managed projects and adapt Jira to fit your workflows.
  • Customizable workflows: Design and implement workflows tailored to any work style.
  • Apps and integrations: Enhance Jira Software with over 3,000 available apps and integrations.


  • Easy-to-use interface with customizable features
  • Visualize and measure progress from the beginning to the end of projects
  • Thousands of plugins are available for extending its capabilities
  • Dashboards and reporting for visualizing key insights
  • Allows dev teams to build, test, and release software faster
  • Plan projects with ease and improved project visibility


  • Difficult to set up and complicated to use
  • It does not have collaboration features built-in
  • Paid tiers for Jira start at $7.75 per user per month


Jira offers a forever free plan for 10 users, which includes unlimited project boards and 2 GB of storage. If you need additional resources, their paid plans start at $7.75 per user per month and include up to 35,000 users and 250 GB of storage.

User Reviews

Jira has a 4.3-star rating on G2 with 5,355 reviews. Users love the Jira Query Language and the powerful dashboards and analytics it has, but find that the learning curve is a bit steep, especially for non-technical users.



ProductBoard is a product management software that helps organizations plan, prioritize, and track the development of their products. The platform provides a centralized place for product teams to collect user feedback, analyze customer needs, and create roadmaps that align with their company's strategic goals.


  • Dynamic roadmap creation: Effortlessly design and maintain real-time, shareable roadmaps that connect seamlessly with your product backlog
  • Intelligent feature prioritization: Utilize user insights and organizational objectives to determine the most impactful features for development.
  • Unified feedback repository: Consolidate all customer feedback into a single, accessible platform for easy analysis and decision-making.
  • Idea validation & engagement: Share product plans, gather feedback, and celebrate product launches via a customizable public portal.
  • Seamless integrations & APIs: Enhance productivity by incorporating best-in-class integrations and APIs for smooth, efficient workflows.


  • Comprehensive tools for product management, including feedback collection, idea validation, and road mapping
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Enhanced collaboration and communication
  • Customizable public portal for sharing plans, gathering feedback, and promoting transparency
  • Integrations with popular tools like Trello, Slack, and Jira


  • Initial learning curve
  • Limited customization options
  • Occasional performance issues, such as minor glitches and slow loading time


ProductBoard does not offer a forever free plan but does offer a 15-day free trial on their paid plans. The essentials plan is the cheapest option and is $20 per maker per month. It includes interactive roadmaps and easy ways to organize your ideas.

User Reviews

ProductBoard has a 4.3-star rating out of 5 stars on G2 with 219 reviews. Customers love the variety in the roadmap views as well as the ability to collect customer feedback and insights on product features. Customers dislike the filtering capability and confusing UI setup of the program.



ProductPlan is a popular product roadmap software that helps product managers and teams to plan, visualize, and communicate their product strategy. It streamlines the process of creating and sharing roadmaps, fostering collaboration and alignment across the organization.


  • Drag-and-drop interface: Easily create and update product roadmaps with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
  • Customizable templates: Choose from a variety of pre-built templates tailored for different industries and use cases to quickly get started on your product roadmap.
  • Roadmap views: Display your roadmap in multiple formats, such as timeline, swimlane, or table view, to cater to different stakeholders' preferences.
  • Prioritization: Use prioritization tools like the Priority Matrix to help you make informed decisions on which features and initiatives to pursue.
  • Collaboration: Invite team members to collaborate on your roadmap, add comments, and provide feedback in real time.


  • Easy to use drag-and-drop interface, which makes creating roadmaps simple
  • Customizable templates and views to fit different needs
  • Collaborate, comment, and share feedback with your team
  • Integrates with tools like Jira, Trello, Azure DevOps, and more
  • Ability to set permissions to protect sensitive information
  • Track changes and view or revert to previous roadmap versions


  • Limited in-depth analysis for complex decisions
  • It can be expensive for small teams or startups
  • Lacks a dedicated app for on-the-go use
  • It takes time to learn the platform and features
  • Mainly for roadmap visualization, not task tracking


ProductPlan does not offer any free plans. Their introductory package starts at $39 per editor per month, while their professional plan starts at $69 per editor per month.

User Reviews

ProductPlan has a 4.4-star rating on G2 with 149 reviews. Customers love the roadmap planning tool and the ability to rank products. However, some customers do not like that it has limited customizability and has difficulty sharing views with multiple people at once.

Product management analytics strategies 

Here are some strategies and best practices for effectively leveraging product management analytics:

  • Defining clear goals and KPIs: It is vital to align your analytics efforts with your product goals and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress. Not only will this help you measure success, but it can also guide your efforts in data collection and analysis.
  • Conducting user research and feedback analysis: Gathering qualitative insights through user interviews, surveys, and feedback loops is invaluable in complementing quantitative analytics data. This approach helps identify pain points, unmet needs, and opportunities for improvement, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that enhance the user experience.
  • Collaborating cross-functionally: Encourage collaboration with other teams, such as engineering, design, and marketing, to gather diverse perspectives and ensure product decisions align with overall business objectives. Cross-functional collaboration helps break down silos, fostering a data-driven culture that values analytics insights in decision-making.
  • Iterative product development: Regularly reviewing analytics data can help identify trends, patterns, and areas for optimization. Use this information to test hypotheses, validate assumptions, and refine your product over time to ensure it meets customer needs and achieves business objectives. This iterative approach teaches you how customers interact with your product, enabling you to continuously improve the user experience.


Product management analytics is essential to making informed product decisions. By tracking customer behavior and other data points, you can gain valuable insights that help inform product strategy and validate assumptions. With the right strategies in place, product managers can leverage the power of analytics to drive successful outcomes and promote growth for their products.

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