
Replay user sessions directly within Intercom and cobrowse with your customers with one click.

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With the Fullview <> Intercom integration, you can:

  • Watch recent sessions of any identified user directly within Intercom.
  • Start a cobrowsing session with identified users without any link sharing.
  • Generate a cobrowsing invite for an anonymous user, so you can share that link to start the session.

All with a seamless one-click integration.

How does it work?

When you select a customer in Intercom, on the right side panel you will see the 5 latest sessions of that user, and you will be able to replay any of those. Alternatively, you can jump to the full list of sessions in Fullview. You can also start a live cobrowsing session with that customer with the click on a button. Once the customer is ready to cobrowse, you will be notified directly in your intercom the chat.

What makes the integration so powerful is that it is designed for live support, so you will be able to replay any user session with no delay, saving time otherwise spent trying to understand what happened. When it comes to cobrowsing, your users will not have to do anything other than accept the call when they have an open tab in your product.



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